NATO Netherlands - Shopping at Dutch stores /

This article applies to NATO military employees stationed in the Netherlands, buying at Dutch stores. If you're stationed inside the Netherlands and buying from stores located outside the Netherlands (but inside the EU), please follow instructions here. To request a VAT refund, please follow the steps below:

  1. At the moment of purchase, ask for a Customs Tax Invoice
    Store employees are required to fill in your CTI. A minimum purchase amount of €45 (per CTI) applies.

  2. After visiting the store and receiving a CTI, go to your NATO base administration for a wet stamp / seal of approval.

  3. Create an account via our app or website:

    Apple Appstore  

    Android Playstore

  4. On your account page, set your 'account type' to the correct NATO base; Brunssum

  1. On your receipt page, register your receipt and Customs Tax Invoice 

When this process has been completed, we’ll check your documents and contact the store for your refund. You’ll be notified by email when a store has processed your claim. After receiving notification, payment can be requested by logging in to your account.

Additional remarks: