Austria 🇦🇹 /

Standard VAT rate: 20%

Low VAT rate: 13% - wine

Low VAT rate: 10% -  food, books and pharmaceutical products

Minimum spend amount: €75,01 per invoice or in the same store on the same day Time limit to export: before the end of the 3rd month, after the month of purchase

Ask in the store: an invoice, Tax-Free form, or Tax-Free receipt: showing your name, non-EU address and passport number

Bring to Austrian Customs:

Tip: Austrian Customs want to see an invoice, Tax-Free form, or Tax-Free receipt: showing your name, non-EU address and passport number.

If you did not receive this from the store, you need to download and print a Tax-Free form for customs yourself. Some airports in Austria, like the one in Vienna, have digital customs systems. View the airport guides below for more information.


Customs Guide Vienna Airport
Customs Guide Salzburg Airport