We can not return your original receipt or forward it to another company.
Please only send your receipts in the post if the app tells you to do so. Not sure? Contact us: [email protected].
Before you send your receipts in the post, please check our shopping guide first to determine wether a store will cooperate with refunding your VAT via vatfree.com.
Our terms and conditions (article 8) and our shopping guide mention that we are unable to return or forward original receipts to customers, uncooperative stores or competitors. This would become very costly and time consuming, especially since we do not charge a service fee for receipts and the corresponding VAT amount in when they are not refunded by the store.
If you need your receipt for warranty reasons, ask the store to print a copy of the receipt which you can use for that purpose. Often they will provide this automatically during purchase. Always ask to be sure.